Sunday, May 06, 2007

1 year later... was a good day. Happy Re-Birth-Day. That was yesterday. The house is a little more empty, but it is certainly still chock-full-o-love!

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Happy Anniversary To Me!!!

Yep - As of Saturday I will have been in this happy home for a year. I have come a long way too. I have come leaps and bounds in the whole "separation anxiety" department. I mean, I don't break out any windows or destroy the doors or tear up the I guess that's a plus! I can get my leash when I'm ready to walk and get my clothes when I need to. I can heel, fetch the clicker, lay down, balance a treat on my nose, get the paper...I mean, I'm a BRILLIANT dog. Ok, I may have some "aggression issues" where other dogs are concerned...and I may not have "drop it" down pat, but I am a good doggie. Mom is one lucky owner! I have made her whole year, if I do say so myself!