Saturday, March 03, 2007

Beachin' It

I'm a swimmin' dog. Big fan of throw it, I'll catch it. I find it keeps my body svelte and my fur shiny...and, well, to be frank, the salt water tends to keep the fleas off and I kind of have an embarrassing issue in that department. Hey--lay off--it could be worse--trust me--look at my mom--HELLO--bag of issues there. Anyway, you can't keep me out of the water. I particularly enjoy digging for sea creatures--specifically snails...little snails, big matter. I like them both. Mom says I must have a little poodle in me cuz I love those escargots so much. We play a game where she collects tons of small snails and throws them at me and I catch and eat them (I hope no one from PETA is reading this). I also enjoy finding my own is a picture of me digging for my own didn't realize dogs could hold their breath...but I'm a tough dog.

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